FAVAR - BBE(2005) Replication in R
Replication of Bernanke, Boivin and Eliasz (QJE, 2005) in R. This code is written to facilitate the undertanding of FAVAR rather than to be efficient
- Step 1: Extract principal componentes of all X (including Y)
- Step 2: Extract principal componentes of Slow Variables
- Step 3: Clean the PC from the effect of observed Y
- Step 4: Estimate FAVAR and get IRFs
- Step 5: FEVD
The FAVAR model is represented by the following system:
$$ \begin{align} X_t &= \Lambda^f F_t + \Lambda^y Y_t + e_t \\ \\ \begin{bmatrix} F_t \\ Y_t \end{bmatrix} &= \Psi(L)\begin{bmatrix} F_{t-1} \\ Y_{t-1} \end{bmatrix} + v_t \end{align} $$where $F_t$ is the collection of variables that is unobservable, while $Y_t$ is is of the observable. For further description of the FAVAR model and its properties please see BBE (QJE, 2005)
# Get original large dataset of BBE (2005): 120 series
data = read_excel("./Data/bbe_data.xlsx")
# Standardizing data = all variables with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
# This step is crucial in PC analysis
data_s = scale(data[,2:121], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
pc_all = prcomp(data_s, center=FALSE, scale.=FALSE, rank. = 3)
# summary(pc_all)
C = pc_all$x # saving the principal components
# Slow Variables
slow_vars = c("IP", "LHUR", "PUNEW", "IPP", "IPF", "IPC", "IPCD", "IPCN", "IPE", "IPI", "IPM",
"GMPYQ", "GMYXPQ", "LHEL", "LHELX", "LHEM", "LHNAG", "LHU680", "LHU5", "LHU14",
"LHU15", "LHU26", "LPNAG", "LP", "LPGD", "LPMI", "LPCC", "LPEM", "LPED", "LPEN",
"PU83", "PU84", "PU85", "PUC", "PUCD", "PUS", "PUXF", "PUXHS", "PUXM", "LEHCC", "LEHM")
data_slow = data_s[, slow_vars]
pc_slow = prcomp(data_slow, center=FALSE, scale.=FALSE, rank. = 3)
F_slow = pc_slow$x
# Next clean the PC of all space from the observed Y
reg = lm(C ~ F_slow + data_s[,"FYFF"])
F_hat = C - data.matrix(data_s[,"FYFF"])%*%reg$coefficients[5,] # cleaning and saving F_hat
data_var = data.frame(F_hat, "FYFF" = data_s[,"FYFF"])
var = VAR(data_var, p = 13)
irf_point = irf(var, n.ahead = 48, impulse = "FYFF", response = "FYFF", boot = FALSE)
# Shock size of 25 basis points
impulse_sd = 0.25/sd(data$FYFF)
scale = impulse_sd/(irf_point$irf$FYFF[1]) # position of FYFF response at step 0
# Computing Loading Factors
reg_loadings = lm(data_s ~ 0 + F_hat + data_s[,"FYFF"])
loadings = reg_loadings$coefficients
# head(reg_loadings$coefficients)
#### BOOTSTRAPING ########
R = 500 # Number of simulations
nvars = 120 # Number of variables
nsteps = 49 # numbers of steps
IRFs = array(c(0,0,0), dim = c(nsteps,nvars,R))
var = lineVar(data_var, lag = 13, include = "const")
for(j in 1:R){
data_boot = VAR.boot(var, boot.scheme ="resample")
var_boot = VAR(data_boot, lag = 13)
irf1 = irf(var_boot, n.ahead = 48, impulse = "FYFF", boot = FALSE)
for(i in 1:nvars){
IRFs[,i,j] = (irf1$irf$FYFF %*% matrix(loadings[1:4, i]))*scale
} ## Boot simulations done
# Extract the quantiles of IRFs we are interested: 90% confidence intervals in BBE
Upper = array(c(0,0), dim = c(nsteps, nvars))
for(k in 1:nsteps){
for(i in 1:nvars){
Upper[k,i] = quantile(IRFs[k,i,], probs = c(0.95))[1]
Lower = array(c(0,0), dim = c(nsteps, nvars))
for(k in 1:nsteps){
for(i in 1:nvars){
Lower[k,i] = quantile(IRFs[k,i,], probs = c(0.05))[1]
IRF = array(c(0,0), dim = c(nsteps, nvars))
for(k in 1:nsteps){
for(i in 1:nvars){
IRF[k,i] = quantile(IRFs[k,i,], probs = c(0.5))[1]
# Select the Variables you are Interested in
# List of variables we are interested: FYFF, IP, CPI
variables = c(grep("^FYFF$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^IP$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^PUNEW$", colnames(data_s)),
grep("^FYGM3$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^FYGT5$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^FMFBA$", colnames(data_s)),
grep("^FM2$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^EXRJAN$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^PMCP$", colnames(data_s)),
grep("^IPXMCA$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^GMCQ$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^GMCDQ$", colnames(data_s)),
grep("^GMCNQ$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^LHUR$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^PMEMP$", colnames(data_s)),
grep("^LEHM$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^HSFR$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^PMNO$", colnames(data_s)),
grep("^FSDXP$", colnames(data_s)), grep("^HHSNTN$", colnames(data_s))
transf_code = c(1, 5, 5,
1, 1, 5,
5, 5, 1,
1, 5, 5,
5, 1, 1,
5, 1, 1,
1, 1
variable_names = c("Fed Funds Rate", "Industrial Production", "CPI",
"3m Treasury Bills", "5y Treasury Bonds", "Monetary Base",
"M2", "Exchange Rate Yen", "Commodity Price Index",
"Capacity Util Rate", "Personal Consumption", "Durable Cons",
"Nondurable Cons", "Unemployment", "Employment",
"Avg Hourly Earnings", "Housing Starts", "New Orders",
"Dividends", "Consumer Expectations"
# Replicating Figure II in BBE (2005) - 3 Factors and Y = FYFF
# Change plot size to 15 x 10
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=8)
mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
for(i in variables){
index = which(variables == i)
if(transf_code[index] == 5){
plot(cumsum(IRF[,i]), type ='l',lwd=2, main = variable_names[index],
ylab= "", xlab="Steps", ylim=range(cumsum(Lower[,i]),cumsum(Upper[,i])),
cex.main=1.8, cex.axis=1.3)
lines(cumsum(Upper[,i]), lty=2, col="red")
lines(cumsum(Lower[,i]), lty=2, col="red")
plot(IRF[,i], type ='l',lwd=2, main = variable_names[index],
ylab= "", xlab="Steps", ylim=range((Lower[,i]),(Upper[,i])),
cex.main=1.8, cex.axis=1.3)
lines((Upper[,i]), lty=2, col="red")
lines((Lower[,i]), lty=2, col="red")
options(repr.plot.width=12, repr.plot.height=6)
mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
plot(data_s[, variables[2]], type = "l", ylab = "", main = "Industrial Production")
lines(fitted(reg_loadings)[,variables[2]], lty=2, col="red")
legend(300,6, legend=c("Data", "Predicted by PC"), lty = 1:2, col = c("black", "red"),
plot(data_s[, variables[3]], type = "l", ylab = "", main = "CPI")
lines(fitted(reg_loadings)[,variables[3]], lty=2, col="red")
One step-ahead Variance Decomposition of $X_t$:
$$ E_t[X_{t+1} - X_t] = \Lambda^f E_t[F_{t+1} - F_t] + \Lambda^y E_t [Y_{t+1} - Y_t] + e_{t+1} $$$$ F_t = \mu_f + L^1 \varepsilon_t + A_1 L^1 \varepsilon_t + ... $$$$ Y_t = \mu_y + L^2 \varepsilon_t + A_1 L^2 \varepsilon_t + ... $$where $L = \begin{bmatrix} L^1 \\ L^2 \end{bmatrix}$ is the lower triangle matrix from the Cholesky decomposition. Let $\Lambda = \begin{bmatrix} \Lambda^f \\ \Lambda^y \end{bmatrix}$, we have that:
$$ E_t[X_{t+1} - X_t] = \Lambda L E_t[ \varepsilon_{t+1}] + E_t[e_{t+1}] $$$$ E_t[X_{t+1} - X_t] = \Psi(0) E_t[ \varepsilon_{t+1}] + E_t[e_{t+1}] $$$$ var(E_t[X_{t+1} - X_t]) = \Psi(0) \Sigma_\varepsilon (\Psi(0)))' + \sigma^2_e $$where $\Sigma_\varepsilon = I $ because of the Cholesky decomposition, and $\Psi(0)$ is a 1x4 vector with the contemporaneous response of X_t to all structural shocks. Hence, the total variance of each observable variable $X_t$ is just the sum of the squared impulse response functions plus the variance of the measurement error.
At step-ahead $j$:
$$ var(E_t[X_{t+j} - X_t]) = \sum_{i=0}^j \Psi(i)(\Psi(i)))' + \sigma^2_e $$The variance of $E_t[X_{t+j} - X_t]$ that comes from the monetary policy shock alone is given by:
$$ var(E_t[X_{t+j} - X_t|\varepsilon_F, e_t]) = \sum_{i=0}^j \Psi_{MP}(i)(\Psi(i)_{MP}))' $$where $\Psi(i)_{MP} = \Psi(i)(1,4)$, i.e. the impulse response to monetary policy shock. Hence, the contribution of monetary policy shock to the $j$ step-ahead forecast error variance is given by:
$$ {\text{FEVD}}(j)_{MP}^X = \frac{var(E_t[X_{t+j} - X_t|\varepsilon_F, e_t])}{var(E_t[X_{t+j} - X_t])} $$# Get the VAR point estimates
hor = 60
var = VAR(data_var, p = 13)
irf_point = irf(var, n.ahead = hor, boot = FALSE)
# Get IRFs for all of X we are interested in, Dimensions: (hor, key_nvars)
# Find loadings
results = summary(reg_loadings) # the warning comes because of FYFF
key_nvars = length(variables)
irf_X_pc1 = array(c(0,0), dim=c(hor+1, key_nvars))
irf_X_pc2 = array(c(0,0), dim=c(hor+1, key_nvars))
irf_X_pc3 = array(c(0,0), dim=c(hor+1, key_nvars))
irf_X_fyff = array(c(0,0), dim=c(hor+1, key_nvars))
for(i in 1:key_nvars){
irf_X_pc1[,i] = irf_point$irf$PC1 %*% matrix(loadings[1:4, variables[i]])
irf_X_pc2[,i] = irf_point$irf$PC2 %*% matrix(loadings[1:4, variables[i]])
irf_X_pc3[,i] = irf_point$irf$PC3 %*% matrix(loadings[1:4, variables[i]])
irf_X_fyff[,i] = (irf_point$irf$FYFF) %*% matrix(loadings[1:4, variables[i]])
# Get the IRFs squared and accumulate them
psi2_pc1 = array(0, dim = key_nvars)
psi2_pc2 = array(0, dim = key_nvars)
psi2_pc3 = array(0, dim = key_nvars)
psi2_fyff = array(0, dim = key_nvars)
for(i in 1:key_nvars){
for(j in 1:hor){
psi2_pc1[i] = psi2_pc1[i] + irf_X_pc1[j,i]^2
psi2_pc2[i] = psi2_pc2[i] + irf_X_pc2[j,i]^2
psi2_pc3[i] = psi2_pc3[i] + irf_X_pc3[j,i]^2
psi2_fyff[i] = psi2_fyff[i] + irf_X_fyff[j,i]^2
var_total= array(0, dim = key_nvars)
var_fac= array(0, dim = key_nvars)
var_e= array(0, dim = key_nvars)
for(i in 1:key_nvars){
var_fac[i] = psi2_pc1[i] + psi2_pc2[i] + psi2_pc3[i] + psi2_fyff[i]
var_total[i] = psi2_pc1[i] + psi2_pc2[i] + psi2_pc3[i] + psi2_fyff[i] + results[[variables[i]]]$sigma^2
var_e[i] = results[[variables[i]]]$sigma^2
table = data.frame("PC1" = round((psi2_pc1),3), "PC2" = round((psi2_pc2),3), "PC3" = round((psi2_pc3),3), "FYFF" = round((psi2_fyff),3),
"Factor_Y_total" = round(var_fac,3) ,"e" = round((var_e),3), "Total" = round(var_total,3))
row.names(table) = variable_names
# Replicating Table I in BBE (2005) - 3 Factors and Y = FYFF
r2 = array(0, dim = key_nvars)
for(i in 1:key_nvars){
r2[i] = results[[variables[i]]]$r.squared
table2 = data.frame("Variables" = variable_names, "Contribution" = round((psi2_fyff/var_total),3), "R-squared" = round(r2,3))